“妈宝男”在雪蛤素官网英语中有一个完美对应的称谓,即mama's boy,也叫mummy''s boy或mother's boy。Wikipedia是这样描写妈宝男的:
A mother's boy, also mummy's boy or mama's boy, is a man who is excessively attached to his mother at an age when men are expected to be independent (e.g. live on their own, be economically independent, married to a woman or about to be 雪蛤素软膏作用married).
Wikipedia认为,妈宝男既可能有些女性化或者娘娘腔(effete or effeminate),也可能看起来很有男人气(macho);他可能会出现某种人格障碍(personality disorder),如回避型人格障碍(avoidant personality disorder),从而使妈妈担负起保护伞(caretaker)的角色。
也有些人把它看做一种心理疾病,称之为“妈宝男综合征”(“Mama's Boy” Syndrome)。
在心理学上,人们将这种行为戏称作“彼得·潘综合征”(Peter Pan Syndrome)。
医学词典对Peter Pan 雪蛤素的功效与作用禁忌 Syndrome的定义是这样的:
A fanciful term for a state of unconscious postponement of maturity, characterised by magical thinking, narcissism and chauvinism.
与Peter Pan Syndrome相对的,是“温迪的困境”(Wendy Dilemma)
医学词典对Wendy Dilemma的定义是这样的:
A marital conundrum in which a wife is trapped into acting as her husband’s surrogate mother, with the knowledge that it reinforces his immature behavior.
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